Virgin Trains


Virgin = cool. Trains = boring.

Virgin Trains came to us because they wanted to be more Virgin and less Trains.

Their social was good, it just wasn’t Cubaka good.

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“We WON Social Media Campaign of the Year for our Gaffbot at the UK Digital Growth Awards. Shout-out to our amazing agency, Cubaka!”

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Virgin Trains have lots to talk about, from onboard refreshments to convincing people to choose trains over other, duller modes of transport.

They need to win time with potential customers and get them thinking positively about trains. However, one slight issue...

Trains aren't… that cool...?

When most people think of trains it's not Ewan McGregor running around Glasgow that springs to mind.

It's those pesky rail strikes and old men writing down train numbery things (can you tell I've never been trainspotting?)

So, we had to find a way to grab the Virgin Trains audience’s TIME and entertain them.

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We did a silly amount of listening to online conversations about all things trains - what people love about them, hate about them, what they think of the staff, the service and the sandwiches.

We got a bit creepy about it. 

Then we took all that insight and turned it into a series of ludicrously successful
social campaigns across the year, promoting everything from Talking Toilets
to Vegan Wraps.

We also gave them a brand spanking new Twitter strategy and voice.

Click here to try the gaffbot

Click here to try the gaffbot

Click here to visit our Virgin Trains Giphy page

Click here to visit our Virgin Trains Giphy page

Click here to view the virgin trains twitter!

Click here to view the virgin trains twitter!

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Views of our #Unfluencers campaign - with 97% positive sentiment


Views on our new Virgin Trains company Giphy page


How much our Gaffbot campaign out-performed targets (400 expected - 5,200 received)

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